Sunday, May 12, 2013

DIY Stripe Stamped Herb Pots (Basil)

I wanted stripes onto one of our basil pots, but it took me a while to decide how I'd make the stripes. Well, today I figured it out!

I got some inexpensive stamps at Hobby Lobby a while ago, so I decided to use them in this project. The ink is a permanent one, so I'm confident it'll stick to the pot.

How to:

Get white pots (or as in my case, bought some pots at IKEA and painted them white). Mine aren't the shiny kind, not sure how the stamp ink sticks to those.

Tape together letter stamps...

... and stamp away!

Let dry. Done!

Now I just have one more pot to decorate...


  1. So cute, Jennah! I'll have to pass this along to my brother, since he's currently sporting a green thumb lol. <3

  • So cute! But I'm sure that I would end up misspelling a few times! Haha.

    And just in case you’re possibly interested… we’re having a DIY contest on our blog for free advertising and I’d love to see this or one of your other projects submitted!

    1. Thanks Caitlin! Haha, but you can't misspell it if you tape the letters together correctly first :)

      I'll have a look at the contest :)

