Sunday, November 11, 2012

Green Festival San Francisco 2012 Fashion Show

Last night's fashion show at Green Festival was fun to watch! It was my first time photographing at a fashion show, and it was a challenge (read: tremendous struggle). And I though photographing a wedding was stressful! Anyways, these are my favorite bits and pieces, some of them are really blurry but bear with me :) Played around with photo editor a bit as well.

Jeanette AU
Big knits & gorgeous headpieces!

31 RAX
Handpicked vintage brought fun colors to the mix:

 Stephanie Madrinan of 31 RAX

Love the hair!

 Fun patterns mixed together.

Retrofit Republic
Styling&Vintage pieces

Looks so cozy&warm...

Reconstructed second hand goods

 Love the little pop of color.


The Bellwether Project
Men's fashion&style

Cute fella!

Vintage Joy
Vintage standard in the present

My favorite outfit, would wear to a party!
And the headpiece I think might be a fun DIY project...

Like this one in B&W :)

Happy Designers & Stylists

Notes for photographing the next fashion show:

* Place yourself somewhere where there won't be a bright white background behind the models
* Bring monopod (a tripod would be even better, but would be in the way of others)
* Bring the nifty-fifty (50mm 1.8 lens) for faster shutter speed?

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