Tuesday, April 9, 2013

DIY Monochrome Reverse Print T-Shirt

So I'd really really love to travel somewhere. Anywhere. Right about now. Were hoping to fly to Finland this summer, which tightens our budget for extra stuff up until then... which of course makes me want to travel even more! For now I had to settle for this "Just Go." t-shirt, which I did in a sort of reverse print: the letters are not the one's that are colored.

This this T-shirt by Maria I saw on craftgawker gawe me the inspiration for the print method, thank you!

How to:

Draw your print pieces out on contact plastic. I just made the letters by hand but you could also trace some text you print out to make it easier (just hold the print as well as the contact paper up to a window, so you'll see what to trace).

Cut out your pieces.

Take off the plastic from the pieces, and attach them onto your shirt.

Take some fabric paint, and dab it all over your pieces with a foam brush. I dabbed the whole thing into a kind of heart shaped form.

Take the pieces off, and let dry according to the instructions on your fabric paint.

The red stone earrings are from a previous project.


  • Lol, that's so cool!
    You should get a contract from a tour company. Seriously. Your shirt looks great and it sounds like a logo/tagline. I think you did a good job with showing how it is done. I think your design and the lettering go very well together. I don't know what your background is in terms of graphic design but you may have unexplored talent, if you don't already work in this field.
